Bite Sized Tajweed Lessons

Assalamoalaikum Narrated by Uthman RA “the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: ‘The best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it.’” Related by Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and others. Tajweed or reciting the Quran correctly is of immense importance. In an effort to contribute towards the teaching of… Continue reading Bite Sized Tajweed Lessons

Categorized as Quran Tagged

Arabic through self study website

The minimalist material document theme is really easy on the eyes. All the resources are now much more organized, and structured into courses. Navigation through the resources is a lot easier now. 

Categorized as Arabic

What is happiness?

A few years ago I went to Kruger National park with my family. As we were driving down a side road we came across a pride of lions who had killed a hippopotamus and were eating it. There were a couple of very young cubs who were frolicking on the road while their mothers ate, but there was an older cub who was eating alongside the adults. The hide and meat of the hippo was too tough. Some of the adults were also having a hard time in tearing and eating but this young cub had it hardest. His fur was drenched in sweat as he tried to tear the tough hide and chew the tough meat.

Riyad al Saliheen

Riyaad al Saliheen (gardens of the righteous) is the famous collection of Ahadeeth compiled by Imam Nawawi. It contains around 1900 ahadeeth divided across 372 chapters, many of which are introduced by verses of the Quran.

Atlas of the Quran

This book by Dr. Shauqi Abu Khalil takes stories from the Quran and represent them in the form of maps, tables and pictures. It also provides a summary of the incident and other useful information like how many times the names of the prophets appear in the Quran and where.

Pathway to learning Arabic Section One

Welcome to the study of Arabic language, the language of the book of Allah. Just start from step 1 and study your way through this section. For each step I have provided links to downloadable material and links to forums and Facebook groups which I have found beneficial myself.

Categorized as Arabic

Uloom al Quran

Ever wondered what are the different Qiraat of Quran? Curious about how the Quranic text was compiled? Who gathered the whole Quran in one mushaf for the first time? How wahee used to descend on Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم ?