Synonyms in Quran

The study of Quranic language is a fascinating study. Synonyms in Quran website is an attempt to help people with limited knowledge of Arabic to appreciate the beauty of Quranic language, through a study of synonyms and near synonyms in Quran.

Learning classical Arabic as a non-native

As Ustadh elQabbani tells us, there are four steps to learning classical Arabic: Language acquisition, grammar, acquiring a taste and intuition for Arabic literature, and then finally the formal study of rhetoric.

The story of Alif and Hamza

We all know that Alif is written like ا and Hamza is written like أ. But apart from that what is the difference between them?

Categorized as Arabic

What is I’raab?

Every one who is studying Arabic, even the very beginners, know that in Arabic nouns have I’raab (إعراب). In English we call it declension of nouns. But what is I’raab or declension?

Categorized as Arabic

From Sirius to Woolly Mammoths

Living with my kids is like living within an encyclopaedia. At any given time you can be fired with information, on anything from prehistoric civilizations to modern gizmos and everything in between, at dizzying speed. Every day I am served a glorious cocktail of history, politics, sciences, philosophy, tech, languages and more, with an assortment… Continue reading From Sirius to Woolly Mammoths