Confidence is when you are comfortable in your own skin. When you know your worth and shortcomings, when you recognize your talents and weaknesses and you accept yourself as you are. When you are happy with how the Creator created you and where He planted you. When you are not comparing yourself to others and neither are you in a perpetual race against everyone else.
Quran Tafseer Notes
I am sharing my notes from my study of Quranic arabic, grammar, and tafseer.
Take That First Step
People often ask me tips to connect their children to Quran. Studying Arabic has connected us to the word of Allah as nothing else could do.
Reflections On Homeschooling And Life In General
Here are a few reflections, or musings or advise I want to give to homeschooling mothers and mothers in general, as a long time homeschooling mother. 1. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYONE. I wanted to write this one at the end, but then I decided to write it in the beginning, so even if… Continue reading Reflections On Homeschooling And Life In General
Lessons for those who ask
I recently heard about a man who was wrongly accused of sexual assault, spent many years behind bars, eventually was proved innocent, but ended up killing himself as he couldn’t bear to live in the shadow of his past. Yusuf AS was also wrongly accused of sexual assault, spent years in the prison, was proved… Continue reading Lessons for those who ask
Allah vs People
“He (Allah) did not comply with the wishes of the people with regard to me, so why should I comply with their wishes with regard to Him (Allah)” When Najashi (Negus), the king of Abyssinia, was being pressured by his court men to hand over the Muslim refugees back to Quraish, he denied and uttered… Continue reading Allah vs People
Resources for an In-Depth Study of Quran
I am sharing the resources I am currently using to study Quran, for the pleasure of Allah, and to help other students of Quran out there.
كل من عليها فان
The trees are old. I sit here under them and wonder what stories they would tell if they could. Others would have sat where I sit now. People who were clever and beautiful and witty and genius. Or simple and kind and loving and great. But they went. And I shall go too. And the… Continue reading كل من عليها فان
My Sourdough Starter
I have a sourdough starter which is hanging around for the past four years, Alhamdulillah. There are days (or nights) when I am too tired or short on time to feed it. But then I think of all the work which has gone into sustaining it for four years, and how it all will be… Continue reading My Sourdough Starter
On Making Tajweed Bot and Haiku
I admire haiku poetry. I like how the poets convey such powerful messages within the confines of three lines and 17 syllables. The poet is forced to choose, forced to simplify, forced to find the essence of the message. The constraints are actually a very powerful thing, because constraints force you to be disciplined, to understand… Continue reading On Making Tajweed Bot and Haiku