From Sirius to Woolly Mammoths

Living with my kids is like living within an encyclopaedia. At any given time you can be fired with information, on anything from prehistoric civilizations to modern gizmos and everything in between, at dizzying speed. Every day I am served a glorious cocktail of history, politics, sciences, philosophy, tech, languages and more, with an assortment… Continue reading From Sirius to Woolly Mammoths

Reflections On Homeschooling And Life In General

Here are a few reflections, or musings or advise I want to give to homeschooling mothers and mothers in general, as a long time homeschooling mother. 1. DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYONE. I wanted to write this one at the end, but then I decided to write it in the beginning, so even if… Continue reading Reflections On Homeschooling And Life In General