Exposure to new and difficult ideas

A usual day in our unschooling day.

We did a lot more. In fact as I type this Umar is listening to 20000 leagues under the sea (read by my daughter) and we will do plenty more inshaAllah!

We are not very artsy and craftsy on the whole. At least not in the usual definition of the word. So these drawings are not a regular happening.

I and Umar also watched a TED talk about combining AI (Artificial intelligence) and art. The person was sharing her experience using neural networks to teach a computer to create art. And the question it gives rise to: the subjectivity of such art.

And she shared an amazing quote by Oscar Wilde on imitation:

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.

It was a advance level video discussing complex ideas and difficult scientific concepts. But Umar likes to watch TED talks with me.

Part of the learning journey is to expose your kids to ideas and concepts which are new and may be difficult. You may feel like something is well above their understanding level and choose not to show/share it with them yet. But that’s a mistake.

So did he understand everything? Most probably not. Did he learn anything? Probably yes. Did he get bored? Definitely 😁 He watched more than half of it with me before wiggling away. Did I made him to sit and watch it with me? Most definitely not.

But he heard and saw a new thing and who knows it may help him connect more dots.

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