TL;DR: Receive a bit sized lesson of Tajweed twice a week on Facebook, Telegram, or Instagram. Also don’t forget to follow my Tajweed Bot on Twitter to receive random Tajweed rules in your Twitter feed for revision.
If you are interested in perfecting your Tajweed, learning the theory of Tajweed is really important. The problem is that with so many rules to remember it can get a bit overwhelming.
Like any other learning challenge, dividing the task into smaller chunks is the way to go. For example if you want to learn all the rules of Nun Sakinah and Tanween, learning a small rule everyday and applying it in your daily recitation is more helpful in the long run than memorizing all of them in a single day and then feeling lost about how to apply them. Especially if you are not a full time student.
To help those who want to learn theory of Tajweed in bite sized chunks, I have created a sort of program.

Bite Sized Lessons in Tajweed
Twice a week I post a colorful graphic card containing a small rule or explanation of a Tajweed rule on a number of platforms.

Since the rules are broken up into small chunks it is really easy to remember them and then until you get the next rule you can practice applying the previous rule in your daily Quran recitation. All the rules build upon each other and are taken from authentic books on the theory of Tajweed.

If you are interested in this, join me on Facebook, Telegram, or Instagram. Also don’t forget to follow my Tajweed Bot on Twitter to receive random Tajweed rules in your Twitter feed for revision.
You can read more about the designing part of these cards here and the development part of the Twitter bot here.