AlFatiha is the door to Quran. Quran starts with it.
But it also has the power to open your eyes, open your heart and open your mind.
It can give you a different sight for this world.
AlFatiha is a summary of the Quran. Everything you will read in Quran first occurs in alFatiha, in a concise and clearly organised manner.
And that’s not it. This prologue to Quran is a part of Salah. There is no Salah without it. Every believing person has to recite it in Salah – at least 17 times a day.
But what do we say in alFatiha? Often when we repeat something, we stop paying attention to it. We pass by it without pondering over its message, we become blind to what it shows us.
But if we open our eyes to it, we will be able to see a lot.
~ roughly translated from the passage in the image.
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